Hypnosis will help you make positive changes in your life, even when everything else has failed.
Schedule your free consultation today to see how hypnosis can help you!
What Is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a powerful state of focused awareness that can be used to uncover and dissolve the root cause of many issues people suffer from every day. Hypnosis allows you to access all the healing resources inherent within the subconscious mind, promoting natural healing from within.
Hypnosis is used to help people discover the subconscious reasons for their symptoms, behaviors, or habits. Once they are discovered, certain tools and techniques are used to help release them and relearn a new positive way of thinking, subconsciously. This is called hypnotherapy.
Hypnosis has been sanctioned and used by the medical community since 1958 to help patients overcome chronic pain, create anesthesia, and heal psychogenic illnesses.
Reduce Stress
Break Bad Habits
Regain Control in Your Life
Enhance Athletic Performance
Improve Mood/Mindset
Lose Weight
Potential Benefits of Hypnosis Include:
Increase Motivation
Remove Fears
Sleep Better
Boost Confidence
Manage Pain
Stop Smoking
**All content found on the www.marabhypnosis.com website, including: text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call 911 immediately.
Hypnosis helps people every day with a variety of issues. At Mara B Hypnosis, I use a variety of advanced hypnotherapy techniques that are individualized for each client, including age regression therapy. I specialize in working with clients on issues such as:
Health & Wellness
Physical health and mental wellbeing are two of the most important things that can control our lives. Your physical health can include nutrition, weight loss, addiction and recovery and many other things that contribute to your overall physical health. Wellness refers to mental health and overall wellbeing. It can include things like state of mind, emotional disregulation and interpersonal relationships with family/friends/co-workers and trauma recovery.
Stress & Anxiety
Irrational fears and phobias can take over our lives, when allowed to continue. Some things we can work through in hypnosis include; fear of driving, flying, snakes, spiders, sharks, heights, public spaces, etc. Behavior modification can include things such as; procrastination, addiction (smoking, alcohol, drugs, hair pulling, etc.).
Optimized Performance
Are you an athlete trying to break through PR’s, but getting held up by limiting beliefs? Are you training for competition and want to do your best on the platform? Or, are you working toward a promotion at work? Do you enjoy your work, is it fulfilling? We can work together to master your focus and improve your drive. Or maybe you need help finding inspiration and creativity? Let’s work together to find your superpower and capitalize on it in your professional life. Hypnosis can help to optimize your performance in all aspects of your life!
Hypnosis can help when other methods have failed.
Do you have a different issue you need support with?
The Truth About Hypnosis
Your hypnotist has no control over you. Hypnosis stage shows where people do crazy things are for entertainment! That’s not what happens in a hypnosis office. Your hypnotist serves as a guide, or coach, it’s a consensual state. Your hypnotist will work with you to understand your needs, and goals, and that will be an important part of the hypnosis process and suggestions they give you while in hypnosis.
We want you to remember all the insight you gain from the hypnosis session, so unless you’re using hypnosis for medical purposes including surgery, you’ll be conscious and alert the whole time.
Hypnosis is not a feeling – it’s a state of mind. Some people feel light – like they’re floating, some feel grounded and safe – like a tree. Others feel nothing at all, or a light buzzing feeling. They’re all correct – but it’s different for every person.
Hypnosis is focused awareness where you are highly receptive to positive suggestions. It is not sleep, nor relaxation. We often have you focus on relaxation in the hypnosis office to help you focus. But there will be many times where you feel excited, or have lots of energy.
Anyone who is able and willing to follow instruction can be hypnotized, and you cannot be hypnotized against your will. It is a consensual state. It works best when you really want to make changes in your life but are having a hard time doing so or a hard time following through.
Hypnosis works by achieving a level of focused awareness, and at the same time bypassing the analytical aspect of the mind. Another way to describe the analytical aspect of the mind is that it is a comparing mechanism. When new information is introduced to the mind, the comparing mechanism compares the new information to what it already believed is either true or false. This is a protective aspect of our mind.
This is why changing habits by willpower alone is so difficult - we often already believe we cannot change, so thinking about making the change happen (using willpower alone) is ineffective. Hypnosis is powerful because, with focused awareness, the analytical aspect of the mind is bypassed, and new, healthy and beneficial suggestions can be made directly into the subconscious, without the comparing mechanism rejecting these new beliefs. So the change we want to achieve in our life is accepted by the subconscious mind as true, and we see results quickly.
Hypnosis is safe - it's a perfectly normal and common state of mind we go into naturally every day. You enter hypnosis regularly when daydreaming, watching a good movie, or reading a book. During these activities you remain consciously aware and in complete control, just as you do when a professional hypnotherapist assists you in entering into a state of hypnosis.
Hypnotherapy is the applied use of hypnosis. Hypnosis is used to help people discover the subconscious reasons for their symptoms, behaviors, or habits. When they are discovered, certain tools and techniques are used to help release them and relearn a new positive way of thinking, subconsciously. This is called hypnotherapy.
Yes of course! You've already been hypnotized anytime you watched an enjoyable movie, or read a good book. Hypnosis is a normal and natural state of mind that everyone has already experienced. Actually, it's such a normal state of mind that most people don't realize they are hypnotized.
All you need to do to go into a state of hypnosis when coming into Mara B Hypnosis, is be willing and able to follow gentle instructions for reaching a state of focused awareness.
Mara is a highly qualified professional and is registered with the National Guild of Hypnotists and the State of Oregon.
In addition, she has achieved extra certification in the advanced hypnotherapy system called 5-PATH®. Rest assured that Mara will treat you with respect, and that your visits are completely confidential.